Psychological aspects of geriatric dentistry

Psychological aspects of geriatric dentistry

The goal of geriatry and gerontology is not to prolong life at all cost but to make this last lap in life bearable. The dentist is often confronted with geriatric realities. The ideas on the psychology of the third age have considerably evoluated within the last ten years and more specific methods have been applied to study old age. Upon these new approaches, it seems possible to improve treatment on a preventive as well as on a therapeutic level.

A case observed at the Insitute of Endocrinology, Gerontology, and Geriatry is reported with Icenko–Cushing syndrome developed in consequence of hypophyseal adenoma.

The telegammatherapy (total focal dose 4760 rads) carried out in the course of one year led to a complete regression of the developed alterations– elimination of the redistribution of fats, restoration of the face normal colour and oval, nails and hair normalization as well as of cortisolemia and decrease in the osteoporosis degree with consolidation of the pathological fractures. Blood pressure (without hypotensive treatment) within normal values–140/90.

A case observed at the Insitute of Endocrinology

A rotating savings and credit association – an informal local microfinance group – provides community-dwelling older adults with cohesive social capital. This study examined whether participation in mujin, a traditional Japanese rotating savings and credit .

association, affected the maintenance of higher-level functional capacity in older adults.We studied 10 991 older adults living in 24 municipalities in Japan who were aged ≥65 years, and physically and cognitively independent. We carried out a baseline survey in 2013 and a follow-up survey in 2016.

Higher-level functional capacity, consisting of instrumental activities of daily living, intellectual activity and social role, was assessed using the Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Gerontology Index of Competence.

To address potential reverse causation, we used stabilized inverse probability weights to balance characteristics at baseline between mujin participants and non-participants.

In our analytic sample, 406 out of 10 991 older adults (3.7%) participated in mujin at the baseline. Our weighted logistic regression showed that mujin participants were more likely to maintain higher-level functional capacity (i.e. full marks in the Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Gerontology Index of Competence) 3 years later compared with non-participants (odds ratio 1.75, 95% confidence interval 1.29-2.39).

Furthermore, independent social role functioning and intellectual activity were associated with participation in mujin for an equal number of both sexes, as well as people of high social standing.

The present study suggests that rotating savings and credit associations can help older adults maintain their independence in a higher-level functional capacity. Furthermore, the members’ diversity might add to these beneficial effects. Geriatr Gerontol Int 2019; ••: ••-••.